Blood Relation

Blood Relation

In every Competitive exam, one of the most important section is Reasoning. You can score a great marks in competitive exams, if you get a good score in Reasoning test. You can achieve a good marks only if you have a depth knowledge of reasoning skills. Logically and type wise reasoning can be divided into few more sections. Blood Relation is one of them.

Blood Relation is a very important chapter of Reasoning aptitude tests. Lots of reasoning questions will surely come in your examination from this chapter. Now here we will discuss some questions on Blood Relation reasoning and also the process of getting the solution. This will help you to do the Blood Relation reasoning very easily and quickly. Reasoning shortcut tricks is all about quickly and accurately solve reasoning questions in exams. Now we will show you the process of “Using shortcut tricks, How you can solve reasoning questions”.

Things to Remember

Time is a very important thing in every exams. You need to finish your examination within time. But in competitive exams, your calculation ability is tested. They tests, how you do your calculation within time. They tests, how fast a student can complete a question paper. This is the reason so many students couldn’t finish their paper within given time. But if you need to solve your government or bank or any other question paper quickly then you should use tricks of reasoning and Blood Relation. provides so many shortcut reasoning tricks and online mock tests. You need to learn those shortcut tricks carefully. You need to learn every topic of reasoning. Then purchase online PDF on reasoning or purchase reasoning books from the market. You can also download reasoning eBooks from online if it’s free. Then find out the practice sets in those books and solve those reasoning MCQ questions using tricks which you have learn here in This will show you the difference between usage of reasoning tricks and non usage of reasoning tricks. Our reasoning notes on Blood Relation will be your key success to your exam.

Now, we will discuss few important reasoning question answer and also discuss Blood Relation chapter in detail.

Basics of Blood Relation

In this Blood Relation chapters has given some human relations. In which you would see relation that may depend on the mother side or father side. You need to do is to understand the relation between the parents identify the blood relation.

In this blood relation chapter some relation are given on the mother side which has called Maternal relation and on the father side we have called Paternal relation.

Before going to understand this blood relations you have to memorize some blood relations which has given in table below.


Table of Blood Relation

RelationIs Called
Mother’s Son or Father’s SonBrother
Mother’s Daughter or Father’s DaughterSister
Mother’s Brother or Father’s BrotherUncle
Mother’s Sister or Father’s SisterAunt
Mother’s Father or Father’s FatherGrandfather
Mother’s Mother or Father’s MotherGrandmother
Son’s WifeDaughter-in-Law
Daughter’s HusbandSon-in-Law
Husband’s Sister or Wife’s SisterSister-in-Law
Husband’s Brother or Wife’s BrotherBrother-in-Law
Brother’s SonNephew
Brother’s DaughterNiece
Uncle Son or Daughter OR Aunt’s Son or DaughterCousin
Sister’s HusbandBrother-in-Law
Brother’s WifeSister-in-Law
Grandson’s Daughter or Grand daughter’s DaughterGreat Grand Daughter



The relations of brother or sister shows under this given picture of the Blood relation chapter. This help you fast understanding of blood relations.

Blood Relation



The relations of Grand Father and Grand Mother between Son’s of son or daughter shows under this given picture of the Blood relation chapter. This help you fast understanding of blood relations.

Blood Relation



The relations of Niece and Nephew has given under this picture of the Blood relation chapter. This help you fast understanding of blood relations.

Blood Relation



The relations of Uncle and Aunt has given under this picture of the Blood relation chapter. The relation of cousin also describe in this picture. This help you fast understanding of this chapter.

Blood Relation



The relations of Brother-in-law and Sister-in-law has given under this picture. The relations of Daughter-in-law and Son-in-law also describe in this picture. This help you fast understanding of blood relations.

Blood Relation


Types of Blood Relation

In this chapter there are few different types of Blood relation question. And those are given in the examples below. Lets see what are the types.



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43 thoughts on “Blood Relation

  1. I’m totally understand the blood relation by this trick .. thanks for this sir

    i hope u upload more … for us

    with regards
    ranjeet rajendra prasad sinha